Bible Studies
Fellowshipping and praying around the truth of God’s Word.
We believe that..
The Christian life is not a life of mere acquaintances; it is a life of living like a family in the context of local church. The Christian life is a life of joyful love. It is a life of learning to walk like Jesus in, “all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace” (Eph 4:2–3).
We need each other. So we make it a priority to meet together not just on Sunday Mornings, but on Wednesday nights as well. Wednesday nights are a time of fellowship, prayer, and accountability.
The Men and Women currently engage in a time of sermon review as well as prayer and accountability. Men and women meet separately. The Women and girls 12+ meet in our church building in Whittier. Men and boys 12+ meet just down the road at the Whittier Methodist Church.
“Can I Bring My Kids?”
Yes! We have amazing Wednesday night classes for kids ages 5+. Childcare provided for babies and toddlers ages 0-4. Ages 12+ are encouraged to join the men or women in Bible study.
To learn more about what classes we have for you and your kids, visit our Groups page.