Children & Youth Ministry
Sunday School
We have Sunday School classes for children and youth 4-18 every Sunday at 10:00. For more information, visit our Facebook page, or Contact Us.
Wednesday Night Classes
There are classes for children ages 3-11 every Wednesday Night at 6:30. Ages 12+ are encouraged to join the adults for Bible Study.
Youth Events
Though we do not have a formal “Youth Group,” we believe that the teens and young people should have the opportunity to build relationships. Events are planned for the purpose of fellowship, encouragement and fun.
A nursery area is available for children under 3 years old. We expect all other children to participate in the corporate worship and welcome their presence there. We have sermon note taking sheets and coloring books to help occupy them during the service. There is also a common area where parents can slip out with young children to let them get some wiggles out.
We have found that even very young children get a lot out of the singing and preaching as they doodle along with a crayon. This is how young people learn about God and learn how He is to be worshipped. We will not drag the youth off to another room to be fed a steady diet of entertainment and theological mush so that they can fall away from the church as soon as they are old enough to decide for themselves where they are going on Sunday Mornings.
Amanda Stewart
Amanda is the director of children’s ministry at GBC.
You can read her testimony on our leadership page.