Brent Stewart


I grew up attending a small Baptist church in Jackson County North Carolina.  Around the age of 10, the Holy Spirit showed me that I was headed for Hell.  At the age of 18, I went forward during the routine “altar call” that my church had every Sunday.  I knew I was lost. I knew I was a sinner. I knew Jesus died for sinners.  I believed that Jesus was the only one who could save me from the wrath of God. And I was sincerely sorry for my sin.  A few weeks later, I was baptized and joined the Church.  However, during the ensuing months and years, my lifestyle proved that I was still a slave to sin.  With the exception of being in church on most Sundays, my life looked no different from that of a rank unbeliever.  The affections of my heart had not been changed (i.e. I loved my sin) which proved that I was unconverted. 

How could I have had this “salvation experience,” while continuing to live a life characterized by high-handed sin?  Looking back, I understand that the problem was rooted in the fact that the church I attended preached a deficient gospel.  Repentance and the lordship of Jesus Christ were not emphasized and there was little expectation of serious discipleship or personal holiness.  Jesus was portrayed as a beneficial addition to one’s life, rather than the center, sum and substance of the true Christian life .   

Fortunately, God was still pursuing me.  In my early twenties, my sin finally caught up with me and my life bottomed out.   During this humbling season of life, God drew me to himself and I made a commitment to follow Jesus as Savior and Lord of my life, instead of just “believing in Jesus” as a fire insurance policy.  Since that time, my life has been marked by a painfully slow but perceptible growth in the grace and knowledge of Christ.  I felt the call to preach in 2010 and after five years of study I completed my seminary education.  I was ordained to Gospel ministry in 2018 and have served as an Elder at Barberville Baptist Church for the past three years.   I live in Cullowhee with my wife and three daughters.  My brother and I own a hydroseeding business.