Lee English


My earliest memories of church and exposure to God consist of my parents taking my brothers and me to the Methodist Church, which we attended almost weekly.  I can remember back as far back to the late 1950s going to Sunday School and going to Vacation Bible School.  Later I can remember helping with lighting candles and taking up the offering, which were activities consistent with this church’s traditional weekly proceedings.  I cannot remember any teaching from the Bible that would indicate the necessity of a Holy Savior to rescue me from my sins and my certain destination of Hell.

By the time, my three brothers and I were High School age, we gradually went to church less and less.  By this time, I had spent 18 years in that same church and not once did a preacher or any teacher tell me I needed to be saved nor did they explain the gospel to me.

I was married as soon as I turned 18 and began operating heavy equipment which continued for many years.  I began drinking and partying, but after several years, I started working with a seminary student who was my age who talked to me about what the Bible said.  By God’s grace, I became convinced that God was real and that I needed Jesus.  I understood that I needed to confess my sins and repent.

I got saved at the age of 21.  At the beginning of my new life as a Christian, I had a mentor.  But, I backslid after 2 ½ years.  Shortly afterward, my younger brother was unexpectedly killed in a plane crash and my whole family and I began a number of years of bitterness, drinking and self-indulgent behavior.  The most difficult time of my life was this period as a backslid Christian.

By God’s grace, He drew me back to Himself.  I then met my present wife Sandra, who is the love of my life.  We have over 39 years of love for Christ and love for each other.  During our marriage, we have been members of 8 different churches and have visited 87 churches in our area on different occasions.  Through this process, we have seen many variations of deficiencies rooted in the lack of sound Biblical teaching.  

However, through this journey, we have also been blessed to visit a few churches that were very healthy and biblical  and we have clearly seen examples of what a church should be.  We are very enthusiastic and excited about  Grace Bible Church, a local church where people can hear a clear presentation of the gospel and the truth of God’s Word.